In the historic global competition for jihadi allegiance and supremacy waged between ISIS and Al Qaeda (AQ) the American Jewish community is a new battleground. Each terrorist group is surging web-based antisemitic incitement onto U.S. social media platforms frequented by Americans protesting Israel’s Gaza campaign to incite terrorist attacks against Jews.
The Coalition for a Safer Web (CSW), a Washington-based nonprofit whose mission is to interdict and dismantle online radicalization and antisemitic incitement as well as their funding sources, penetrated these terrorist web media operations in recent weeks to assess the magnitude of the threat and to develop countermeasures.
Since mid-2024 ISIS and AQ have upgraded their propaganda operations by incorporating generative artificial intelligence (G-AI) programs. Readily accessible G-AI programs enhance and “superstylize” this inciting extremist web content. The G-AI programs also enable the terrorist groups to manipulate algorithms enabling each to breach existing social media content moderation barriers barring antisemitic incitement.
This emerging foreign-sourced antisemitic threat landscape along with recommendations to counter them are detailed in the CSW report published today.
CSW President Marc Ginsberg, a former US ambassador and noted cyber counter extremism expert stated:
“As if the American Jewish community does not have enough to worry from the antisemitic incitement of domestic far-left and far-right extremist groups, the flood of online AI-driven foreign radical Islamist terrorist group incitement specifically targeting Jews adds yet another ominous threat source that must be countered.”