On January 17, 2021 CSW sued Apple in federal court, demanding that they remove Telegram from their app store for failing to respond to violent, extremist content on its platform.
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On January 17, 2021 CSW sued Apple in federal court, demanding that they remove Telegram from their app store for failing to respond to violent, extremist content on its platform.
CSW President Marc Ginsberg wrote to Apple CEO Tim Cook about the dangerous role Telegram plays as a communication tool
As more is revealed in the days following the attempted insurrection at the US Capitol, CSW experts are providing research
CSW’s President Marc Ginsberg in the Washington Post on how plans for Wednesday’s assault on the Capitol happened in plain view on social media
CSW first press release on January 3rd warning about potential violence in Washington which we had uncovered on these sites.
The Coalition for a Safer Web issued the following press release
CSW announces today a press release detailing how right wing and fringe social media platforms
Several weeks ago the Coalition for a Safer Web commenced an investigation into the new pro-Trump social media network — PARLER. We turned our findings over to the Washington Post.
The Coalition for a Safer Web issued a press release today detailing how Trump-supporting white supremacist groups
The failure of President Trump to condemn white supremacy and the Proud Boys was met with a social media explosion by the group as validation.
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